10 More Frustrating Star Trek Moments

2. Scotty Forgetting About Kirk's Death

Star Trek Into Darkness

Fans were pleasantly surprised to see the return of Scotty from The Original Series in the Next Generation episode Relics. After his ship was damaged, he saved himself by sending his body through the transporter but didn't direct it to anywhere, so he was stuck unconscious in the pattern buffer for over seventy years until the Enterprise-D found his ship and revived him in the 24th century.

It was awesome to have Scotty return and react to his new life in the future, but there was one scene in Relics that's really frustrating for fans who care about continuity.

When Scotty first learned that he was rescued by the Enterprise, he didn't know that so much time had passed and said that he thought Jim Kirk himself came looking for him. There's just one problem: Kirk was believed dead when he was lost in the Nexus in Star Trek: Generations and Scotty was present on the Enterprise-B when it happened. Unfortunately, Generations came out about two years after Relics, and the writers must have forgotten about this little throwaway line, which now makes Scotty seem like a real jerk for forgetting about his friend's death.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.