10 MORE Game Of Thrones Deleted Scenes You Need To See

7. Grey Worm And Missandei

It was legitimately awful having to watch Missandei's death in the final season, but it was an important moment that added grounding to Dany's break with reality and turn to murderous vengeance on King's Landing. That did mean we also had to witness Grey Worm losing his romantic dream of them running away together, which was all the more painful for how well the relationship was built up.

Even well before she was killed, their relationship was defined by fear of something bad happening. For the most part, though, it was fear on Missandei's part that Grey Worm's military action would lead to his death, which almost proved to be well-placed when he was gravely wounded in season 5.

In one deleted extended scene from that season, we got to see more of their blossoming affection as Missandei seeks out Grey Worm after his fellow Unsullied White Rat is murdered in the brothel in Meereen. She says she's afraid for him and asks him to protect himself, to which he dutifully replies "I protect Daenerys Stormborn." All along we were being led to expect him to die when it was her that would.


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