10 MORE Greatest Battles In Star Trek

6. The Enterprise-D's Trench Run

USS Defiant Centaur Star Trek Prodigy Supernova Battle
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek: Picard brought its third season to a close with the final stand-off between Picard, the Enterprise-D, and the Borg Queen herself. While Picard, Riker, and Worf searched the massive Cube for Jack Crusher, the remaining crew were tasked with distracting the mighty enemy vessel. Aboard the beautifully rebuilt bridge, Beverly Crusher and Data got to really shine. 

In a scene that knowingly homaged the famous trench run in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, Data takes the Enterprise-D inside the Cube, following a path that most pilots wouldn't have a chance at navigating. While the new golem furiously tapped on the console to avoid the beams, torpedoes, and phaser fire, Crusher operated the weapons - shocking the audience with just how adept she had become at tactical in twenty years.

Her post-Nemesis career had forced her to pick up some new tricks, utilising them all against the Borg. Never before had the Enterprise-D been shown as so nimble, nor ferocious, carving its way through the Borg Cube, destroying anything in its way. When it emerged in the centre, there was nothing to stop it. Pausing only long enough to pick up its missing crew, it zoomed out again, leaving a massive explosion behind - all while the Borg Queen screamed in futile rage. 

All of this to the Beach Boys as well, you might be surprised to find!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick