10 MORE Important Doctor Who Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned
4. The TARDIS Is Designed For Multiple Pilots

If Gallifrey requires young Time Lords to pass some sort of driving test before allowing them behind the console of a TARDIS, we’re pretty sure the Doctor’s been driving illegally for most of their lives.
It might be a fantastically advanced time-and-space machine that defies all known laws of physics and pretty much functions like magic, but a smooth ride it is not, especially when the Doctor's at the wheel.
Then again, maybe it's not the Doctor's fault. That's because, as firmly established in Journey’s End, the TARDIS was never designed to be piloted by a single person, but a crew of six.
Generally, the Doctor really doesn’t seem to have any idea what they’re doing (whether she was lying or not, the Eleventh Doctor seemed to take River's remark about him leaving the brakes on at face value) but you can't blame them for banging and crashing about all over the place when they're supposed to have 12 hands instead of two.
It's interesting then that the Doctor never brings this up, nor have they ever really tried to get together a regular crew of six people. From an out-of-universe perspective it's obviously not feasible to have such a large regular cast, but the character themselves would surely want to inform their companions that they aren't bad at driving – they're just understaffed!
Then again, this is also the same person who once installed a randomiser on the TARDIS console, so maybe they just enjoy the chaos.