10 More Most Paused Star Trek Moments

7. Captain's Holiday And The Captain's Shorts

R2D2 Star Trek

Captain Jean-Luc Picard was written to be an entirely different character from his predecessor, the unstoppable James T. Kirk. Therefore, he was not written to be the typical action hero that Kirk was. He was more intellectual, tempered and contemplative. So, in the third season, it was something of a very pleasant surprise to see the Captain unwind and enjoy his time on the pleasure planet of Risa.

Patrick Stewart was in great shape as he was filming the show, which is on full display as he reads Ulyssess and has his Horgon sitting beside him. To be fair, Horgon or not, he was bound to get some attention in those shorts.

Catch attention he does, for this is the first episode in which the audience meets Vash, one of the few love interests that Picard really got in The Next Generation. Unfortunately, it also caught the attention of Ferengi pictured above as well, which led to Picard's holiday becoming something more of a slog than anything else. Still, while he may not have got to properly enjoy the views, the audience certainly did.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick