10 More Most Paused Star Trek Moments

8. Jean-Luc Doesn't Do His Own Stunts

R2D2 Star Trek

The High Ground is an oft-discussed episode, though primarily for the talk of terrorism and the times in which it proves effective. However, despite the strength of the episode, there is a moment that stands out for all the wrong, yet fun, reasons. During an incursion aboard the Enterprise, members of Kyril Finn's terror cell appear on the bridge. Captain Picard rushes to disarm one of them. Or, does he?

As can be seen in the close-up shot here, Patrick Stewart's stunt double stepped up to take down the terrorists. While there's not a thing wrong with a stuntman earning his keep, could they not have found someone who looked a little bit more like the captain?

Now, this scene which was supposed to show Picard jumping into full McClane mode ends up as a frequently paused and giggled at moment in an otherwise deadly serious episode.

Honestly, there are times when the HD remaster of The Next Generation did not do the series any favours. This, unfortunately, is one of those times - though we wish the stuntman well!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick