10 More Non-Superhero Comic Series That Would Make Great TV Shows

2. Arrowsmith

914615Genre: Fantasy War Drama What it is: Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco€™s revisionist history series where World War I is fought with dragons and magic, not tanks and bullets. Why it would be great: With films like the Harry Potter series, and television shows like Game of Thrones being major money makers for Hollywood, Arrowsmith€™s world of magic seems like a natural. The main protagonist, Fletcher Arrowsmith, joins the United States of Columbia€™s Overseas Aero Corps, and learns proper sorcery and how to ride dragons into battle with the €œAllied€ forces. Trolls, vampires, dragon dogfights, giant flaming salamanders, and a classic €œprogress isn€™t always a good thing€ theme make this grand adventure story perfect for fans of the previously mentioned media, as well as The Hunger Games. There are so many thematic links between the three. The characters are extremely well written, with their flaws and triumphs worn firmly on their sleeve. The setting is breathtaking, yet familiar enough that it doesn€™t take long to feel a part of this world of miracles and tragedy. Give it to Showtime, or the Beeb, with Kurt Busiek as a consultant, and I can see viewers lining up to enlist the second after they see the first commercial.
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A writer in spirit, a baker by profession. Carl has been a comic shop impresario, comic book illustrator, record store clerk, electronic musician, late night radio DJ, club promoter, graphic designer, and other cool things you wish you could be. He mistakenly had purple dreadlocks once. For three years. Which made him way less cool. He doesn't actually know what the word impresario means, and is way too lazy to Google it. Carl is also an American, and for that he apologizes.