10 Most Annoying TV Plot Holes Ever

1. White Walkers Can't Swim, Until They Need To - Game Of Thrones

Heroes Claire

The ominous force that were the White Walkers at times felt like a threat that seemingly could not be overcome. Should you somehow find a way to cut them down, The Night King could simply raise your own dead back to life and carry on whooping your ass.

Thankfully, though, the creepy Wights have something of an Achilles heel in the form of not actually being able to doggy paddle across oceans, or any body of water for that matter. As Jon Snow stoically put it himself when asked "can they swim?" by Euron Greyjoy... "no."

Yet, that does leave us with one rather gaping plothole in the penultimate episode of Season Seven. Here we see a fairly large dead dragon be hauled out of freezing waters beyond The Wall by those very same Wights. But how could they achieve such a feat without performing some very intricate tying and locking methods underwater? In short, they surely couldn't. Which means either Mr. Snow is talking out of his Targaryen a-hole, or the showrunners simply opted to ignore all logic in order to reanimate a fire-breathing monster.

And we can't really blame them, if that was the case.

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