10 Most Annoying TV Plot Holes Ever

7. Why Does A Fighting Game Have A Sex Function? - Black Mirror

Heroes Claire

Sometimes a plot hole is completely unavoidable when it comes to realising a, let's say, more out there concept on the small screen. In the case of Black Mirror's compelling video game-centric first episode of its fifth season, Striking Vipers, creator Charlie Brooker was very much aware a few things didn't add up; he was just hoping you'd overlook these details by the time the story had you well and truly gripped.

The plot hole in question reveals itself in the story's core as two friends immerse themselves in a fighting game that allows them to feel every physical sensation their avatar does in the combat environment. Things take a turn as the two go on to spark up a virtual sexual relationship through this past time, but why was the option to allow the player to experience sexual sensations even included in a fighting game in the first place?

Brooker himself admitted that the show attempted to gloss over this odd decision, telling Radio Times:

“In the end we thought ‘we won’t focus on that, no-one’s going to mention it.’ We were wrong!”
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...