10 Most Annoying TV Plot Holes Ever

6. J.D. And Turk's Ever-Changing Origin Story - Scrubs

Heroes Claire

Though smash hit medical comedy Scrubs boasted a whole host of memorable recurring characters, it's hard to look past the dynamic duo of John Dorian and Christopher Turk as the very foundation of the series.

The pair's zany friendship offers up routinely side-splitting antics and equally heart-warming beats from start to finish. Yet, it is in those humble beginnings where things started to get a bit muddled as the show unfolded. Season Two saw J.D. appear at the two's dorm door for the first time in a flashback as the goofball radiated his glorious dorkiness from day one. However, Season Four would later see an alternate first meet between the two play out as Turk wandered into the pair's dorm to find J.D. decked in a wizard's hat in front of his computer.

For such a close and meaningful friendship, it seems odd that the pair seem to possess wildly inconsistent memories of their initial encounter. Yet, it's more likely that the showrunners just couldn't resist another gag at the wizard-in-training that was a young Mr. Dorian's expense; continuity be damned!

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...