10 Most Brutal TV Weapons

2. Wildfire - Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones loves a good burning, whether that be by dragon, stake, or molten gold, yet nothing comes close to the destructive power of wildfire.

Wildfire is a highly flammable green liquid created by the Alchemists Guild. When lit, 'The Substance' explodes into burning green flames. The fire burns so hot it melts stone and steel, and cannot be distinguished by water. Hidden beneath King's Landing, the liquid was almost set alight by the Mad King in a plot to burn the sacked city along with all its inhabitants. Thankfully, Kingslayer Jamie put an end to his reign.

This incident didn't stop Cersei ordering the production of wildfire in secret until Tyrion uses the supplies to lay waste to Stannis' attacking army with great success, sending a boat filled with the potent liquid for Bronn to set alight. The explosion stuns King's Landing's troops, as the green flames consume the majority of Stannis' fleet.

Cersei gets her hands on the flammable fluid again when called to the Great Sept of Baelor to be tried for the death of King Robert Baratheon, her husband. Cersei has other plans, however, as she uses wildfire to destroy the Sept in one of the greatest TV moments in history, killing off a large portion of Season 6's cast members.

In the end, Danaerys fulfils her father's wish as her dragon fire lights wildfire supplies on her siege of King's Landing.


A journalist who can't fall asleep during films; it's a blessing and a curse. Indie games are the spice of my life.