10 Most Chilling Doctor Who Moments

8. "I Didn't Escape Sir" (The Time Of Angels)

Doctor Who Night Terrors Peg Doll
BBC Studios

Sure, it's almost a direct lift from Miss Evangelista's ghosting in Silence in the Library, but the fate of Cleric Bob in The Time of Angels takes that idea and makes it even more chilling.

The Angel swiftly breaking down the Doctor's hope that Bob survived – with the reveal that it's now speaking through the dead soldier's voice – is disturbing stuff. In the age of AI voices running rampant, the concept of someone putting words in long-dead mouths is even more chilling than it was on broadcast in 2010.

There's a genuine cruelty in Bob's death that isn't there in Evangelista's ghosting, because it's Bob's killer using his voice to goad the Doctor and the other soldiers. Think about how matter-of-fact Angel Bob is when he explains how a Weeping Angel can communicate with the Doctor via the radio:

"The Angel has no voice. It stripped my cerebral cortex from my body and re-animated a version of my consciousness to communicate with you. Sorry about the confusion."

Once again, Steven Moffat excels at sending a chill right down your spine through words and ideas, rather than blood and guts. The image in your mind's eye of the Angel stripping out Bob's cerebral cortex is far more horrifying than anything they could've put on screen.

And that includes Graham Norton popping up during the cliffhanger.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.