10 Most Chilling Doctor Who Moments

7. The Death of Laurence Scarman (Pyramids Of Mars)

Doctor Who Night Terrors Peg Doll
BBC Studios

It bears repeating every now and then that the Doctor is an alien who doesn't have the same moral code that we do.

The Doctor's loftier view of everything in existence can sometimes put him at odds with his best friends, from Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart to Rose Tyler. Perhaps the best example of this comes in Pyramids of Mars, which contains an incredible scene that hammers home the Doctor's chilly detachment from the affairs of humanity.

When Sarah finds lovely old Laurence Scarman dead by his brother's hand, the Doctor's coldness takes you aback. Tom Baker's Doctor may be all teeth and curls but he's not above a snarl every now and then, and his matter-of-fact assertion that Laurence has been strangled to death – before casually pushing his corpse aside – is a trillion miles away from Ten's mournful catchphrase of "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry".

But quite frankly, the Doctor doesn't have time to mourn when Sutekh is pointing a gun at his head. The Doctor's assertion that Laurence and the other people killed over the course of Pyramids of Mars are "merely the first of millions unless Sutekh is stopped" is cold, but it's reflective of the incredibly high stakes involved.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.