10 Most Confusing Scenes In Doctor Who History

9. What The Flux Is With That Pot?

Doctor Who Empire of Death Ruby's mother pointing
BBC Studios

In many ways, Flux is an extraordinary achievement, given the real-world obstacles it faced in order to get made.

However, it's also a hot mess.

Remember Yaz, Dan, and Jericho's mission to retrieve an offering pot from a Mexican temple? Yaz says she has to decipher it so they can find out "when the world is going to be in terrible danger."

Umm... are they forgetting what happened on 31 October, Halloween? There was a whole Halloween Apocalypse! A talking dog showed up and everything!

Okay sure, the Doctor wants Yaz to find the date that nefarious forces will take advantage of the Flux, rather than the date of the actual event. But still, 31 October 2021 is a pretty good starting point, right? Should only be a few days later, or a couple of weeks at most?

In the end the whole offering pot thing doesn't even matter because they soon stumble upon Joseph Williamson's timey-wimey tunnels, bringing them exactly where they needed to be.

Doctor Who Survivors of the Flux
BBC Studios

It all feels like a diversion simply to give the regulars something to do for half an hour – which it probably was.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.