10 Most Controversial Doctor Who Episodes Of All Time

7. Kill The Moon

Doctor Who Colin Baker The Twin Dilemma strangle Peri

Kill The Moon took perhaps the biggest risk in the revamped show's history concerning the character of the Doctor and it was one that alienated some viewers and the Doctor's own companion - Clara.

Halfway through the story Peter Capaldi's Doctor leaves in his TARDIS and in the process forces Clara to make a decision on behalf of the human race which not only causes a rift between them for the episode but for the rest of the series. While you have to admire the show for taking such a big risk it did divide an audience as to whether it was a good idea to manufacture such a hostile dynamic between the Doctor and Clara.

This choice that Clara was forced to make revolved around whether she should 'kill the Moon' and potentially also kill an alien that lay dormant in it. Clara fortunately made the right choice and the unnamed winged creature emerges from the Moon before laying another 'Moon egg' exactly the same size in its place. While many may have been rolling their eyes at this twist it is arguably no more preposterous than some of the Doctor's other adventures that have graced our screen.

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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).