10 Most Disturbing Game Of Thrones Episodes

8. The Bells (Season 8, Episode 5)

Shireen Baratheon Death Game of Thrones

Fans had spent almost eight seasons rooting for Daenerys, that was until one particularly shocking moment in the incredibly divisive final episode of the last season. This episode upset many fans of the Mother of Dragons, and ensured that it would live on in notoriety in more ways than one.

Dany was a figure not without controversy, as many had questioned the ethics of her all-conquering approach to Westeros and beyond. However, she was generally perceived as doing things for the benefit of those she sought to conquer, and it was evident that she had wanted to carve out her own legacy for herself, distancing herself from her father, the "Mad" King Aerys.

Forming an alliance with Jon Snow, the "song of ice and fire" was seemingly realised, and many of us envisioned them taking the Iron Throne together. However, as she rode her dragon in the final siege on King's Landing, something in her seemed to switch and she soon began to lay waste to the city, killing innocent civilians as well as the soldiers.

Having spent so long alligned with a character, it was shocking to see them acting in this way, even if many fans believed this course of action was inevitable. For once, maybe we weren't too happy to be watching this world burn, and the backlash against this episode demonstrated its power to disturb, even at this late stage.


I have been writing about film for almost 5 years, contributing to sites including WhatCulture, JumpCut Online, Cineworld, and Zavvi. I also host a couple of podcasts, JumpCast and Let's Jaws for a Minute. You can often find me on the internet evangelising about Disney or why Jaws is the greatest film ever made...