10 Most Disturbing Stargate Moments

9. Skaara Becomes A Host

Stargate SG1 Narim

From the very beginning, Stargate SG-1 needed to establish a threat to secure the adventurous spirit of the show. With Ra gone, Apophis was created to fill that void. Also shown in the pilot was the new/true form of the Goa'uld. They were not human form aliens as had been somewhat described in the film, but instead were snake-like symbionts that possessed their victims, crawling under the skin at the base of the neck.

After Abydos is visited and Daniel Jackson's wife Sha're and brother-in-law Skaara are taken as prisoners, the team from Earth is sent to assist in the rescue. Newly re-activated Colonel Jack O'Neill is joined by Captain Samantha Carter, and Daniel Jackson, in the attempt to save them.

Beginning the depiction of the evil that the Goa'uld represent, the team in unsuccessful in saving either prisoner. As both of these characters had originated in the movie, there was already a greater connection to them on the part of the audience.

Sha're is the first to be taken by a symbiont, flashing her glowing eyes at a distraught Jackson. Skaara is the second, horrifying Jack O'Neill, who had become close to him during the events of the film.

The search for both would formulate much of the early seasons of Stargate SG-1.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick