10 Most Hateable Doctor Who Characters

1. Lindy Pepper-Bean

Doctor Who Dot and Bubble Lindy Pepper-Bean
BBC Studios

Lindy Pepper-Bean is the most hateable character in Doctor Who, because she's vain, vapid, self-obsessed, and a racist. The history of Doctor Who is littered with similar characters, but none have been quite as irredeemably awful as Lindy.

What people seem to forget about Dot and Bubble is that social media isn't the problem, it's the people that use it. The Dots have decided to kill every single one of their users, because they're sick and tired of their lip-syncing, dancing, pastel colours, and presumably – given the ending – all their racist rhetoric.

To make them even more hateable, the residents of Finetime also don't have a care in the world. Well, apart from the racist-eating slugs that exist in the corner of their vision. Let's not forget that Lindy also killed Ricky September, who yes, may also have been a massive racist, but was also not addicted to social media and was fairly well-educated, so might have been opposed to Finetime's segregationist politics.

Everyone in Finetime might be insufferable, but Lindy is the pinnacle, their spokesperson, the woman who'd rather die than step inside a ship with a black man. What a stupid, hateful idiot.

By the end of Dot and Bubble you're willing that boat to explode, but alas, Russell T Davies denies us the privilege.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.