10 Most Hateable Doctor Who Characters

2. Lord Sutcliffe

Doctor Who Dot and Bubble Lindy Pepper-Bean
BBC Studios

Thin Ice's Lord Sutcliffe is another of Doctor Who's awful businessmen, but his list of crimes are pretty extensive, even compared to Jack Robertson.

Holding the sea serpent captive under the Thames, Sutcliffe used the Frost Fair to supply the creature with a steady supply of humans to feed its voracious appetite. At one point we see a child get taken under the ice by the serpent, so Sutcliffe is, at best, a criminally negligent corporate sponsor, and at worst, a child murderer.

Sutcliffe needs to keep the creature fed because after it's digested the various humanoid snacks sent its way, it craps out an alternative energy source that could change the face of the Industrial Revolution and make Sutcliffe very rich indeed – which is why he plotted to detonate a bomb under the Frost Fair and feed everyone to the creature, I mean come on man, you're making it so easy to hate you!

And on top of all that, Sutcliffe was a massive racist. The way he speaks to Bill Potts is horrific, and a stark reminder of the vitriolic racism present in colonial Britain.

The Twelfth Doctor punching Sutcliffe in the face would be satisfying enough, but we also get to see the despicable sod get eaten by the sea creature, and his house taken over by the very children he tried to kill. Serves him right.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.