10 Most Hated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

2. Caleb

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Dawn Summers

Caleb brought Season 7 back to life when he was introduced in ‘Dirty Girls’. Nathan Fillion’s performance is superb in all the episodes he’s featured in and you can’t help but detest his character.

As well as being a serial killer who charms women before killing them, Caleb also organises the deaths of the Potential Slayers throughout the season.

Caleb isn’t easy to kill either. As the physical embodiment of the First Evil, he possesses advanced strength, speed, and endurance. Even Buffy is no match for him on her own and he’s a nightmare for the Scooby Gang to deal with. Indeed, as well as murdering two of the Potential Slayers with his bare hands, he also crushes Xander’s eye socket.

Put simply, Caleb has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. He’s evil to the core and it’s incredibly satisfying to witness his death. It’s just a shame this terrific villain wasn’t featured in more episodes.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.