10 Most Hated Classic Doctor Who Episodes

7. The Dominators

Doctor Who Timelash Peri
BBC Studios

The Dominators is a Patrick Troughton story that steadfastly refuses to be retained in anyone's memories. It's a fairly dull retread of Terry Nation's first Dalek serial, but instead featuring two guys with massive shoulders, and their rubbish robot slaves.

It's another Doctor Who story that teaches the nation's youth about the need to stand up to fascism, but the aliens in The Dominators aren't anywhere near as engaging as the Thals from The Daleks. Instead, they're useless analogs for the flower power generation.

For years, there was a myth that The Dominators was Patrick Troughton's favourite Doctor Who story. This apparently emerged from the fact he requested it be screened at the convention at which he later suffered a fatal heart attack.

But apparently, Troughton also once agreed with a fan that the story was dull, and clearly many other fans agree, placing it at 281 out of 295 in the 2020 poll. Ouch.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.