10 Most Hated Classic Doctor Who Episodes

5. Timelash

Doctor Who Timelash Peri
BBC Studios

Timelash is another Colin Baker story that usually resides in the lower rungs of Doctor Who fan appreciation.

Despite a brilliantly hammy performance by Blake's 7's Paul Darrow, and some great monster design in the form of the Borad, it's a near-impenetrable story about time travel and intergalactic politics set on the most beige planet ever committed to screen.

It's particularly egregious because it squanders the brilliant story potential of the Doctor meeting HG Wells, and finding him to be a bit of an idiot. The Seventh Doctor had clearly warmed to the young man, relaxing with a copy of The Time Machine in the opening of the TV Movie. But the Sixth Doctor looks like he wants to throttle him.

Worse still, the dreaded Timelash is revealed to be a futuristic-looking climbing wall, adorned with some Christmas tinsel. It's the sort of Doctor Who story that people who don't like the show think happens every week.

That said, Colin Baker, Paul Darrow, and Nicola Bryant are never less than brilliant, and there are some admirably weird Steven Moffat-y moments, such as the melting android appearing in episode one, before he actually gets melted in episode two.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.