10 Most Hated Futurama Characters Ever

8. President Nixon

Futurama Mom
20th Television


The President of Earth has provided Futurama fans with some classic moments over the years, with many of them coming merely in the form of shaking his jowls and shouting. However, he is also one of the show’s biggest villains.

He tried to murder every single living robot without even considering a Plan B, he couldn’t pass a lie detector question when asked if he would ever take candy from a baby, and failed when he said he wouldn’t harm the child.

Originally introduced as the new President of Earth when his robot body won him the robot vote and thus the entire election, Nixon continued in the White House until Chris Travers was sent back from the future to stop him.

Imagine being such a bad President, building a fence around the southern hemisphere to keep unwanted aliens out and ultimately causing an apocalyptic robot uprising, that someone had to be sent back in time to stop you. This was basically Nixon in a nutshell. Amoral, evil, and willing to do anything to anybody to get his own way.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.