10 Most Heartbreaking Doctor Who Moments

6. Van Gogh's Museum Visit

Doctor Who David Tennant

Not all scenes are heartbreaking due to a tragic death or the exit of a companion, sometimes Doctor Who is just simply breathtakingly beautiful. One such scene comes in the form of Vincent Van Gogh visiting the Musée d'Orsay and seeing his own work displayed.

It is an understated moment in which Bill Nighy's Art Curator talks about how Van Gogh touched everyone's lives with his art, whilst Vincent listens. Van Gogh is moved to tears and we as an audience feel such empathy for this tortured soul. Having got to know him over the episode and already warmed to him, this moment is held by fans as one of the most moving moments in Doctor Who history.

The scene is made even more heartbreaking when we, alongside Amy Pond, discover that he still died weeks later despite this. It is a moment that uses history and fantasy and paints them together flawlessly.

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