10 Most Heartbreaking Doctor Who Moments

5. Clara's Last Moments

Doctor Who David Tennant
BBC Studios

Clara's fate, like many other companions, was not a happy one. Although her timeline is complex, sprawling, and sometimes slightly confusing, she appears throughout the Doctor's life after she is scattered into his time-stream.

In the Twelfth Doctor's final episode, he returns to Nevada and tells a waitress, who looks and sounds exactly like Clara, a story about his escape from Gallifrey. Driven mad by over 4 billion years of torture, he saves Clara from her death and runs from the Time Lords once more. Clara is neither alive nor dead, existing in a state between her last heartbeats, whilst the Doctor tries desperately to save her.

We learn in the episode that the Doctor has erased his memories of her in order to save them both. Whilst the Doctor is forgetting he says he will remember her smile and passes out. He wakes up in Nevada having forgotten Clara's identity.

He tells the waitress (Clara) how he can remember their adventures but not who she is. Clara suggests it could be her but the Doctor says he would recognise her, causing her to cry. The Doctor plays guitar as Clara walks away into a TARDIS control room and the diner disappears around him, revealing his blue box.

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