10 Most Heartbreaking Doctor Who Moments

2. Amy Pond's Death

Doctor Who David Tennant
BBC Studios

A running joke during their time with The Doctor was the frequency at which Rory, Amy's boyfriend, would die and come back to life. This made it all the more gut-wrenching when it was clear his final death would be the last, a fact made even worse by the death of companion Amy Pond.

In The Angels Take Manhattan, we see the pair with the Doctor and River Song fighting long-time villains, the Weeping Angels. Often agreed to be one of the scariest monsters in the show's long history, they have taken over a large amount of Manhattan, trapping people in an apartment building to repeatedly send them back in time.

Rory becomes trapped too, and it becomes clear that this time they cannot save him. After seeing his gravestone, Amy takes the risk of falling victim to the last surviving Weeping Angel in order to live out her life with Rory. The Doctor begs her not to, as there is no guarantee she will end up with him, but she turns to say goodbye, allowing the Angel to take her.

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