10 Most Heartbreaking Futurama Moments

3. The First Ending

Old Fry And Leela Futurama

When the last ending was on the list, it was surely obvious the first one would feature too. While the tone and style did change slightly upon revival, the fans were more than happy to see it return, and the presence of four Comedy Central era moments in this list is testament to the lasting quality.

But it does dull the impact of this ending, if only slightly. After a deal with the devil, Fry ends up with the Robot Devil's hands and becomes a master holophoner, writing an opera about Leela. Ironically (as the episode frequently points out), Leela is rendered deaf and unable to hear it. A convoluted turn of events eventually sees Fry surrender his hands, in order to save Leela from marrying the Devil; something she'd unwittingly agreed to in exchange for new ears to hear with.

Without his robotic hands, he's terrible, and every gets up and leaves. Everyone that is, apart from Leela. With Fry dejected and humiliated, he starts to slowly creep off stage before Leela calls out "I want to hear how it ends," and he returns to play out a final scene where he and Leela kiss then walk off over the horizon.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)