10 Most Horrifying Serial Killers On TV

2. Bloody Face (American Horror Story: Asylum)

Along with being absolutely horrific to look at, Bloody Face really takes his serial killing gig seriously. As the evil doer of Season 2 of AHS, Bloody Face appears to be an alter ego that gets passed down from father to son in the same way that one would pass down any family business. That's the dream, right? Saddled with some serious mommy issues, Bloody Face decapitates women and makes furniture and chachkies out of their bones and flesh. With homages to some real life and pop culture heavy hitters (he reeks of Ed Gein and Leatherface), this killer also likes to take some trophies from his victims to wear later. Namely, he likes to snag their heads to make murder masks out of their skin, teeth and hair. If only he had an Etsy shop. Zachary Quinto plays double duty in his role as Bloody Face. By day he plays a compassionate doctor and by night he becomes the horrifically brutal serial killer. Quinto pulls off both of these extremes with ease. His need to treat patients at Briarcliffe with respect and compassion obviously comes in stark contrast to his nightly hunt to find a replacement mommy with smooth skin. Quinto is likable and believable while also keeping the air of mystery that AHS relies on. As the empathetic doctor, the viewer roots for him. As the psychotic murderer, the same viewers are reaching for the blankets.
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A science nerd (although I prefer the term "enthusiast") to the core. I love bones, blood and books. Bring me an IV filled with coffee and I'll bake you a delicious coconut cake. You can follow me on twitter @AlainaJudgesYou