10 Most Horrifying Serial Killers On TV

4. Joe Carroll (The Following)

Let's be honest, there aren't many serial killers who can inspire a cult of rabid followers willing to do his every bidding while he chills out in prison. Joe Carroll pulled it off, pretty flawlessly. A highly intelligent college professor, Carroll used his failed novel as an excuse to eviscerate young, female students. Due to his obsession with Edgar Allen Poe, his method of removing their eyes came from a mix of several of Poe's stories, along with his belief that the eyes were truly where one's identity lies. After 14 young ladies lost their eyeballs, he was eventually caught by Detective Ryan Hardy and placed into prison for his crimes. Lucky for Joe, several followers emerged to let him know that they would finish what he started. His cult-like following and their seriously disturbing devotion to impressing him with equally grisly crimes, proves that Joe Carroll is a force to be reckoned with. Played by James Purefoy, Carroll's ability to obtain a cult following actually seemed pretty plausible. Purefoy has a dangerously inviting way about him in this role. He is cool, charming and exudes breezy intelligence. His most absorbing moments come from his interactions with Kevin Bacon's Detective Hardy. The relationship played between them is brutally tenuous but completely convincing. They have a warped appreciation between them that is a complete testament to the actors. Carrol's monstrous character amassed an impressive real life following (though less "enthusiastic" than his fictional following) and that is due completely to Purefoys brilliant on screen portrayal.
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Twin Peaks
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A science nerd (although I prefer the term "enthusiast") to the core. I love bones, blood and books. Bring me an IV filled with coffee and I'll bake you a delicious coconut cake. You can follow me on twitter @AlainaJudgesYou