10 Most Iconic Alien Planets In Modern Doctor Who

7. Ood Sphere

Doctor Who New Earth hospital

First seen in 2008's Planet of the Ood, this snowy world was home to the telepathic Ood.

The Ood Sphere's landscapes comprised of glaciers, snow-peaks, sheer cliff faces and intricate cities made of rock and ice. With ringed planets including the Sense Sphere from 1964's The Sensorites in the sky, this was an instantly iconic planet that assisted in the show's world-building.

Tranquil and unexplored, the Ood Sphere's peace was shattered and the telepathic Ood song was broken by the arrival of human colonists. Enslaving the Ood, the colonists sold them around the universe as obedient servants.

Building storage warehouses, laboratories and shuttle landing sites across the planet, the humans sought to capitalise on this remote world and degrade its natural beauty. However, a revolution was coming for the Ood.

With the help of the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble, the Ood were freed and the humans were driven off of the planet, allowing it to return to its natural form of grand cavernous citadels and frozen mesas.

By the events of 2009's The End of Time, the free Ood had completely rebuilt their civilisation and no signs of the human interference remained.

Intergalactic Travel Advice: Singing may be required.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.