10 Most Iconic Alien Planets In Modern Doctor Who

3. New Earth

Doctor Who New Earth hospital

Fifty-thousand light years away from the original Earth, New Earth was part of a 'big revival movement' and a new home for humanity in the year five billion.

With a similar atmosphere and size, it was an approximation of Earth - but distinctly more alien. In its first appearance in 2006's New Earth, several planets and moons could be seen in its sky and the Tenth Doctor remarked that 'apple-grass' grew there.

Also more alien were its inhabitants, including catkind, tree people, and even the dreaded Macra - giant crabs which lived in pollution.

Despite the pristine, futuristic overcity of New New York, visited by the Doctor and Rose Tyler, New Earth's undercities were places of squalor and chaos.

Featured in 2007's Gridlock, the New New York undercity was populated by sleazy dealers selling 'mood' patches, and carjackers. Beyond the undercity was 'The Motorway', an enclosed tunnel where inhabitants had been trapped driving for years. In the smoke at the bottom of the fast lane, the Macra fed on terrified hovercars.

Realising that something was very wrong with the planet, the Doctor found that the 'moods' had infected the overcity and slowly killed everyone, before dying out itself. The Face of Boe had been forced to seal the Motorway and the undercity off to protect the survivors, who were unaware of the horrors above.

With the Doctor's help, the Face of Boe used the last of his strength to save the Motorway and allow the cars to fly back up to join the skyscrapers and sunset.

Resembling locations from the 2000AD comics, New Earth was a memorable presence in the Russell T Davies' era of the show, and we would love to see it return again for new adventures.

Intergalactic Travel Advice: Not a patch on the original.

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Eden Luke McIntyre is a Scottish writer, editor and script consultant, with an MA in TV Fiction Writing. He writes content for TV, radio, stage, and online, and was appointed as a BBC Writers Room Scottish Voice in early 2020. Eden can usually be found rambling about Doctor Who, The Beatles, and obscure things that no one cares about.