10 Most Iconic Friends Moments Of All Time

9. Ross' Quiz

Friends Season 10

When Monica and Rachel went head to head with Joey and Chandler over who knew the others more, they settled their differences with a quiz. With Ross asking the questions, it was agreed that if the girls won the boys had to get rid of the rooster, but if the boys won, they got the big apartment.

The quiz itself is still remembered to this day as one of the best scenes the show had to offer, not just because of the result, but because of every answer of every question. There was simply so much crammed into such a small space of time.

From no one calling the coin toss, to Miss. Chanandler Bong, and Viva Las Gaygas, the quiz was simply brilliant, but it wasn't until the lightning round that it truly reached the realms of legendary.

This was where they upped the ante, and the result was iconic. The men nailed their 30 seconds of questions, but the girls came unstuck with the simple question of what Chandler did for a living. We never learned his actual job title, but at least we know he wasn't a transponster.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.