10 Most Iconic Friends Moments Of All Time

7. Ross & Rachel On A Break

Friends Season 10

There were so many story arcs and threads that ran throughout the entirety of Friends, but none so great as Ross and Rachel's relationship. In particular, the question that kept coming up was whether or not they were on a break.

In season three, their relationship was on rocky ground thanks to Ross' crippling jealousy, so Rachel told him that they should go on a break. Immediately, Ross went out with Joey and Chandler, and ended up spending the night with Chloe, the girl from the Xerox place before he and Rachel got back together the next morning.

However, when Rachel found out, it triggered one of the biggest arguments in the history of the show, and one that would be dug up over the next few years from time to time. When Rachel wrote him a letter detailing her feelings, he fell asleep and inadvertently took the blame for everything despite still truly believing he wasn't in the wrong.

This led to even more arguments, and soon, "18 pages, front and back!" became one of the most instantly recognisable Friends quotes ever, just behind "we were on a break".

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.