10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

8. Cordelia And Wesley’s Romance

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Seeing Red
Mutant Enemy

Midway through the third season, Giles is replaced by a new Watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, whose arrival isn’t met with much enthusiasm.

Indeed, the Scooby Gang don't get on with Wesley given he’s pompous and highly critical of the gang’s demon-hunting tactics. But he does develop a fondness for Cordelia, and this bizarre romance is full of inappropriate moments.

For starters, Cordelia is a student, and Wesley – though he’s younger than Giles – must be in his late-twenties at least. And even if you leave aside the awkward age gap, their romance doesn’t really have much of a spark.

Cordelia sees Wesley as a Bond-like figure due to his suave and sophistication. In reality, he’s a bit of a buffoon, and the kiss they share in ‘Graduation Day Part 2’ is horrific. It’s meant to be, of course, but this one moment sums up their entire romance: awkward and unnecessary.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.