10 Most Intense Star Trek Scenes

5. Zero's Sacrifice - Ascension Pt. 2

Star Trek Enterprise Azati Prime Battle
CBS Media Ventures

We've said it before, we'll say it again - if you've been sleeping on Star Trek: Prodigy, it's time to change that! The show that was decried as 'the kids' show' has offered scene after scene of intensity, while dialling the emotion up to eleven. One of the most powerful examples of this comes in the show's second season two-parter, Ascension.

Zero, now encased in a humanoid body, volunteers to battle Asencia's temporal weapon, embedded in Voyager-A's cargo bay. The radiation that it emits ages anyone affected by it rapidly, almost resulting in the death of Commander Tysess. Zero, via their Medusan physiology, is faced with a choice - allow this weapon to detonate, thus destroying the ship, or sacrifice their new body - and all of the sensation that comes with it - to save their friends.

They don't even hesitate.

For a show dubbed 'kid friendly' it doesn't hold back. The audience feels every inch that Zero has to travel, dragging themselves to the weapon's console, truly fearing the worst as they struggle to go on. The heart rates took a while to settle after this one.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick