10 Most Intense Star Trek Scenes

3. Discovery's Flight To The Future - Such Sweet Sorrow, Pt. 2

Star Trek Enterprise Azati Prime Battle
CBS Media Ventures

As Star Trek: Discovery's second season came to a close, audiences were teased with the rise of Control, a deadly A.I. bent on wiping out organic life in the galaxy. Discovery, fused as it was with the data from the Sphere, could not remain in existence - but couldn't be destroyed either. Time travel it is so!

Such Sweet Sorrow, Pt 2 sees the Discovery and the Enterprise facing a fleet of Section 31 ships, with the resulting battle causing devastation on both vessels. The episode itself slowly turns the intensity up from the opening scene, where Pike delivers his orders to both crews. 

The action is incredible, the stakes are high. The Enterprise takes heavy damage, though is spared destruction with the timely arrival of the Klingon and Kelpian ships. Control, in the form of Leland, has boarded Discovery, though Nahn and Georgiou have a thing or two to say about that.

While all of this is happening, Burnham shares a final goodbye with Spock, as the battle rages around them. Her final flight towards the wormhole, with Discovery in tow, offered beautiful visuals, gorgeous music, and a nail-biting race to the finish for all involved.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick