10 Most Irredeemably Evil Villains In TV History

3. Marlo Stanfield - The Wire

Ramsay Bolton Game Of Thrones

In a world where even the "good guys" had more shades of grey than a herd of elephants, Marlo Stanfield (Jamie Hector) stood out as the absolute worst of the worst. 

Serving as the main antagonist throughout seasons 4 and 5, Marlo represented a level of nihilistic evil we had yet to witness on the show. Avon and Stringer were bad no doubt, but there was SOME degree of honor among thieves there. Marlo? Chances are he'd kill his own mother if he felt she'd disrespected him.

Over two seasons Mr. Stanfield and his thugs Snoop and Chris were responsible for all manner of vileness, including but not limited to: the cold blooded, completely unnecessary murder of an innocent security guard who just happened to be working in the store owned by the dude they wanted to threaten; killing the also crooked but awesome Proposition Joe; and the torture and murder of an old blind man. 

The worst part is, Marlo gets away scott free at the end and even has the opportunity to become a legitimate businessman - though it's implied that he won't be able to stay away from the game for too long. 


Freelance writer/editor/reviewer. Resides in Ireland, where it rains 11 out 12 months of the year, and the grumpy bastard wouldn't have it any other way. He has a passion for all things film and comic related, and also dabbles in amateur film making, screenwriting and photography.