10 Most Ludicrous Things To Ever Happen On 24

5. CTU Is Attacked - Seasons 2, 5, 6 & 8

24 TV Show

I'm just going to say it, and I don't care if it's unpopular: CTU are absolutely terrible at their jobs. Given their track record throughout the series they probably did more harm than good.

Between all the drama that's happening on the streets of LA and the corridors of The White House, you'd have hoped the folks at CTU would have been the competent ones. But their mismanagement was so bad over the years they allowed themselves to be attacked on four separate occasions by the very bad guys they were after.

The offices of CTU have been detonated by white nationalists, gassed by Russians, invaded by Chinese commandos and EMP'd by Asian rogue factions. All of them done under the noses of supposedly the best counter-terrorist agents the US has to offer.

These moments in the series should have been season finale showstoppers - episodic arcs that saw the heroes face off against the villains one last time. Instead though, each individual attack is a flash in the pan of each crazy season. Such a flash in fact, that only a few episodes later the offices are up and running again - with coffee breaks, HR meetings and shift changes as the body-bags are wheeled out the main entrance.

What did we expect though from the agency that was rife with double-agents and traitors, misused tech for personal gain, and let their visitors and guests freely walk around as they pleased? Seriously, there's no security at CTU... ever.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!