10 Most Ludicrous Things To Ever Happen On 24

4. The White House Has Been Taken! Don't Worry About It - Season 7

24 TV Show

Day Seven breathed new life into the 24 series after its abysmal sixth season; with a new setting, things were looking up as 24 got back to its roots. And if 24 is going to set itself in Washington DC, you can be damn sure there's gonna be some tense scenes around The White House.

Well, Day Seven doesn't just have a punch-up in the Oval Office - it fires on all cylinders and gives audience a mid-season standoff as Sangalan rebel leader Benjamin Juma (Tony Todd) and a squad of soldiers overthrow The White House and take the President, her daughter and some key characters hostage.

But don't worry, there's something more dangerous than Sangalan commandos lurking the corridors of the West Wing; good old JB. And within two hours the President's palace is retaken and everything is quite literally back to normal. The assault on The White House gets brushed aside (not unlike many devastating moments in the show) and President Allison Taylor is wandering the hallways like it's just a minor inconvenience.

Given that The White House was compromised, a gun was held to the POTUS' head and there was even a wee explosion in the foyer of the building, you'd think the rest of the political story beats would happen somewhere else, like an underground bunker perhaps? But no, President Taylor is back in the Oval Office and we can't help but think the siege at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was as inconvenient as a fire alarm test.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!