10 Most Ludicrous Things To Ever Happen On 24

3. A Nuclear Bomb Has Detonated In Los Angeles! Don't Worry About That Either - Season 6

24 TV Show

Sometimes having an entire season of a show take place in one day can be a detriment to the plot. While it gives the writers a realistic opportunity to space out drama, it also forces them to insert big dramatic elements into the plot every few episodes - and when it all happens in one day, it can be a little overkill.

Day Two might have teased the threat of a nuclear bomb, but Day Six didn't pull any punches as it went full throttle by setting a mini-nuke off in Los Angeles. On Episode Four!

Now, if the next twenty episodes somewhat focused on Jack and co. trying to navigate the radioactive fallout whilst hunting down the bastards responsible, that would make for a compelling watch. Maybe do another George Mason, and have one character heroically expose themselves to the radiation in pursuit of the terrorists?

Instead, the events of the bombing are brushed aside within fifteen minutes in the very next episode to make way for the next four-episode story arc. The death toll in the Valencia community is forgotten so badly that literally later on that day, folk are going off to work in the city and only mention radiation as something to avoid like bad traffic.

The show has the gall to keep inserting shots of a mushroom cloud in the far distance, but when it has maids cleaning motel rooms or street vendors serving up burritos in the foreground, the show isn't selling the cataclysmic toll of a nuclear bomb to its audience.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!