10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

9. Kai Winn - What You Leave Behind

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Torah Ziyal RIP
CBS Media Ventures

How best to remember Kai Winn, one of the purest examples of 'love to hate them' in Star Trek? Louise Fletcher brought an intensity to her depiction of the ultimate Space Karen that saved her from being so unpleasant as to avoid her at all costs - but one could understand Sisko running a mile when she arrived on the station.

Her descent into evil in her final days was not entirely shocking, so consumed as she was by the drive for power. Time after time, she had demonstrated that the only thing that mattered to her was rising to the top. What manner of rising that may take, well, that was for lesser folks to worry about. 

Her death, quick as it was, came as she did her very best to try and save face, once again, though this time she bit off far more than she could chew. Bitter at the discovery that her beloved Pah Wraiths would choose Dukat to be their emissary, she switched sides, warning Sisko to destroy their book, 

With a casual acknowledgment, Dukat caused the fires in the cave to lift, surround, and rapidly dissolve her. A thoroughly unpleasant way to go for a thoroughly unpleasant person.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick