10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

8. Kai Opaka - Battle Lines

Star Trek Deep Space Nine Torah Ziyal RIP
CBS Media Ventures

This entry could, perhaps, be labelled as both messed up, and fitting for the character herself. Kai Opaka kept the Bajoran people together for much of the Occupation, rallying them to faith, saving lives in the process.

She was not without failings. She gave the location of a group of hiding Bajorans in an attempt to save her son, thus condemning others to die. Perhaps, then, her fate in Battle Lines serves as her penance.

Travelling through the Gamma Quadrant, she is killed in a Runabout crash, only then miraculously return to life. There is a catch - this rejuvination only works on the planet's surface. She is not alone. Two warring factions battle and kill each other repeatedly around her, trapped in a seemingly eternal struggle for control, though neither side is able to gain dominance while that life saving energy remains in place.

Opaka elects to remain alive, dedicating her existence to helping these people find peace. It may not be the final rest that follows a life dedicated to service, though it still somehow feels like fate for her. Whatever sins in her past led her to her death, in her afterlife, she could find atonement.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick