10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

1. Killed by Dialogue - The Forge

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures

We come to another shock death (take a shot) and here we discuss the fate of poor Admiral Maxwell Forrest, the only main character from Enterprise to have the ignominy of an off-screen death. Yes technically we see the explosion that kills him, but it is only in dialogue that we learn he's gone to meet his maker.

Vaughan Armstrong has died several times in Star Trek's screen history, yet here was the first time that a long-serving character went out. Forrest had easily shown himself to be a dependable, capable officer. He was loyal to Archer, though had no issue in calling him out. He defended the Warp 5 program, even against Starfleet itself. Without his support, it would have died in its infancy, almost certainly dooming the human race from the Xindi.

To discover that he had been killed after the fact felt like a let-down. Though he truly went out as a hero, protecting Soval from the blast, dying to save the representative of the very people who had stonewalled Starfleet for so long, it was a damp squib of an ending. Forrest deserved better. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick