10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

3. Death By Faith - Terra Prime

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures

Masaro was a member of the extremist group Terra Prime. Though his actions led to a lot of tragedy, he was in many ways just a poor, disillusioned kid, swept up in all the wrong things. He provided the genetic material to Paxton that led to the creation of Elizabeth and also sabotaged a Shuttlepod, almost resulting in a crash. 

Masaro had been a member of the crew for some time, having been injured at the Battle of Azati Prime, though he survived. Whether his survival was a benefit to history is for others to judge. He may have been a capable crewman, but he was a spy at the same time. 

Masaro takes his own life when he is discovered. Though it would be easy to judge this as an easy escape, it is in fact a desperate act by a cornered man, consumed with shame, and unable to see any other option. That it happens directly in front of Archer's eyes can be nothing but traumatizing for the captain. When added to the sad outcome of Terra Prime's actions, this is simply another wasted life, thrown away for believing the worst in the galaxy.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick