10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Trek: Enterprise

4. Daniels Gets Melted - Storm Front, pt 1

Star Trek Enterprise Sim and Archer
CBS Media Ventures

Agent Daniels, or crewman if you prefer, had a varied career. Long before he was shaking hands with Captain Burnham in the 32nd Century, he was rubbing elbows with Captain Archer in the 22nd. He also popped back to the 20th, although that trip warped his body, melted his face, and killed him. 


Daniels' body was torn into different time periods as a direct result of the Temporal Cold War. Temporal agents had been sent back with orders to disrupt the flow of time, spurred on by the Na'kuhl and their attack (with a little help from the Nazis). He burst into sickbay on Enterprise, stunning Dr. Phlox, who was unable to save him.

It was a quick, awful death. It was painful, it was degrading, and it was a sad end to Daniels' legacy. Thankfully, with a bit of temporal jiggery-pokery, Daniels 2.0 was back and laughing by the of Storm Front Pt. 2, confidently telling Archer that, thanks to Enterprise's help, the Temporal Cold War was coming to an end. 

All's well that ends with a smiling Kovich. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick