10 Most Meta Moments In Supernatural

1. If There Is A Lock, Then There Must Also Be A Key - The French Mistake (S6E15)

The French Mistake is a masterclass in meta. Even the title comes from the fourth wall break in Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, where the cast bust out of their Western movie set to invade the neighbouring sets at their studio.

When Sam and Dean get sucked into a world where their lives are a TV show, it's only a matter of time before they're forced into a scene. It's a moment that makes us appreciate how good Jared and Jensen are as actors, because in fifteen years of the show our suspension of disbelief has never been challenged. We've seen Dean get beaten up by a fairy, a doorway to Oz, and the aversion of the Apocalypse - but still we manage to separate the actor from the art.

Then suddenly, we're forced to watch these monster hunters take a punt at acting as... themselves. Except they're not playing themselves: they're characters who themselves are being played by actors, playing actors playing characters. Imagine sitting down and having to think about how your character, who you've played for six years, would play you doing your own job. Does your head hurt yet?

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Doing my best until I reach Miranda Priestly levels of journalistic success.