10 Most Overrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes

6. The Prom (Season 3, Episode 20)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once More With Feeling
Mutant Enemy

It’s hard to criticise Buffy’s third season. The gang’s final year at high school is crammed with stellar episodes, and ‘The Prom’ is no exception.

The prom itself ranks amongst the best scenes in the entire show. It’s a pivotal moment for our favourite characters, and it’s nice to see the gang enjoy a rare moment of peace.

The issue with this episode is the hellhound plotline. Whilst it’s far from terrible, it does feel like an unnecessary deviation from what the episode is really about: the end of Buffy’s adolescence.

It would’ve been risky to abandon the monster-of-the-week trope altogether, but that’s really what the story needed. Just for one episode, Season 3 should have turned down the pace and given us something that was totally focused on the characters.

‘The Prom’ is still a great episode, but it had so much more potential.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.