10 Most Overrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes

5. Chosen (Season 7, Episode 22)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once More With Feeling
Mutant Enemy

The final episode wraps up Buffy’s adventures pretty smoothly. ‘Chosen’ sees our heroes confront the First and his army of ubervamps beneath Sunnydale High. There’s action, jeopardy, and some great character moments. It’s a fitting conclusion to a solid – and generally underrated – season.

Unfortunately, Buffy’s final episode doesn’t quite match some of the other season finales. Though it’s pretty hard to make a finale that can match ‘The Gift’ or ’Becoming’, there are still a couple of glaring mistakes that should have been avoided.

Anya’s death is a massive disappointment – she’s been a regular character since Season 4, and her death is far too quick. Angel’s role in the story is also a bit of a joke. He makes a small cameo at the start of the episode but leaves almost at once. It’s a shame because it would have been great to see him fight alongside Buffy again. The CGI is also shoddy towards the end – though this is somewhat understandable given the episode is nearly twenty years old.

Despite these issues, ‘Chosen’ is regarded by many as the best episode in Season 7, and this simply isn’t the case. ‘Conversations with Dead People’, ‘Lies My Parents Told Me’, and ‘Touched’ are far superior.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.