10 Most Overrated Buffy The Vampire Slayer Episodes

4. Angel (Season 1, Episode 7)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Once More With Feeling
Mutant Enemy Productions

Buffy’s first season is the weakest. It’s a difficult entry point for newcomers due to the low budget and the inconsistent quality of the storytelling. Some episodes are good, whilst others are a struggle to get through.

‘Angel’ is one of the better episodes in Season 1. Rather than being a self-contained story, the episode explores Buffy’s relationship with Angel, something that’s been developing since the start of the season.

There’s plenty of great dialogue between Buffy and Angel. The performances from Sarah Michelle Gellar and David Boreanaz are spot on – they nail the balance of tension and romance.

The problem with this episode comes at the very end when Darla shows up with a pair of pistols and starts blasting away at Buffy. It’s a bizarre moment that’s totally out of kilter with the show’s supernatural tone.

And to make matters worse, it’s Angel who kills Darla, not Buffy. Given Darla attacked Joyce earlier on in the episode, it would have been much more satisfying if the Slayer had taken her revenge.

‘Angel’ is still a great episode, but it’s let down by a disappointing climax.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.