10 Most Paused Doctor Who Moments Ever

5. The Timeless Child Reveal (The Timeless Children)

Doctor Who Blink Sally Sparrow Weeping Angels

The marketing for Series 12 promised that the events of the final few episodes would "change everything", and that's exactly what the finale did.

The Doctor is no longer just an ordinary Time Lord who stole a TARDIS and ran away - they're a mysterious being found in another galaxy, a being that possessed the gift of regeneration. This gift was then extracted from them and given to the other Time Lords, resulting in the creation of Time Lord society as we know it.

While the twist does have its fans, there are lots of other people who don't like it one bit, but no matter which side of the debate you fall on, there's no denying that The Timeless Children has quickly become one of the most heavily scrutinised and debated stories in the history of the show.

Since it aired earlier this year, fans have been scrubbing through and pausing the Timeless Child reveal on a regular basis, looking for hints that it might be a fakeout, rewatching it again and again to get a full understanding of the story, as well as the effects that it's had on previously-established Doctor Who lore.

There's so much to chew on and dissect here - the origins of the Time Lords, of the Citadel, of the Doctor - and the reveal sent fans crazy trying to figure out what this tectonic shift meant for the show's past and future.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.